THE GREEN DISC: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR A NEW FUTURE is now available in its entirety on the web

The UNCSD Small Island Developing States Partnership in New Sustainable Technologies (UNCSD SIDS PINST) is very pleased to announce that the 40 chapter 1ST EDITION OF THE GREEN DISC: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR A NEW FUTURE 
This is a priceless resource for policymakers, funding agencies, students, and the concerned public to learn about innovative, proven new technologies that can be scaled from poor, isolated, rural communities to urban megalopolises. 
While the focus is on Small Island Developing States, the innovative technologies shown are universally applicable in developing and developed countries.
If these under-utilized technologies were applied on the scale needed they would solve many of our most pressing global energy, environmental, ecological, and economic problems.
UNCSD SIDS PINST is also pleased to announce that the much bigger, more comprehensive, and more user-friendly 2ND EDITION will be launched at UNCSD in Rio de Janeiro, June 20-22 2012.
These developments are possible thanks to the hard work and many sacrifices made by the pioneering inventors whose work is featured and of our publisher, Gibby Media Group. 
We look forward greatly to collaborating with UNCSD to make this launch in Rio de Janeiro a success in restoring our severely damaged planetary life support systems and transforming our world to a more sustainable, equitable, and just future!
Sincerely yours,
Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development, including renewable energy, waste recycling, water purification, ecosystem restoration, soil fertility restoration, carbon sequestration, shore protection, sustainable agriculture and mariculture technologies, etc. for economic and environmentally sound development and reversing global warming.
The 40 Chapter First Edition, released at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2009 is now available in its entirety on the web.
The 60-80 Chapter Second Edition will be released at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012.

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